Life is feudal wiki stats info
Life is feudal wiki stats info

Forestry Script Generates a customized cm_forest_maintenance.xml file for your server.

life is feudal wiki stats info

Image Exporter Export map images from a server.

  • Terrain Editor Edit the map on the server: Terraform, change surface material, flatten, pave.
  • Gizmaul Zealous Believer Posts: 47 Joined: Mon 9:41 pm. Place for sharing your game modifications for Life is Feudal: Your Own.
  • Board index ‹ Life is Feudal ‹ Life is Feudal: Your Own ‹ Life is Feudal: Your Own ‹ Game mods.
  • a map editor sounds great! Originally posted by ebrumby: I would be happy if they got rid of the fog! (I'm lying, there's more I want, but a map editor hasn't made my top 20 list.) The fog makes the game graphically quite realistic, especially in morning.
  • Life is Feudal: MMO Life is Feudal: Your Own Life is Feudal: Forest Village Customer Support.
  • Map Editor in order to tailor a specific map please.
  • * Map Generator: Minimum altitude for original map patches increased from 30.0 to 50.0 meters * New Feature: Added ability to share uploaded maps with the community.

    #Life is feudal wiki stats info update

    Nyuton wrote: Next update is here! * New Feature: Added ability to upload own maps to TerraTool and distribute them to servers.

    life is feudal wiki stats info

    Have a look on our Post on the official Life is Feudal Forum! ːcool_lifː Custom Map / Map Editor 2 Testservers are Online !!!! All who are willing to come and test these 2 new maps for LIF:YO feel free to join and gives a author more feedback At the moment we are going to build a Map Editor. Hey Everyoneːboris_lifː we just want to show u some Screenshots of our project.Home Life is Feudal Map Editor Custom Map / Map Editor :: Life is Feudal: Your Own

    Life is feudal wiki stats info